Release efforts through Police

Two Nigeria Police Force Officers
9 min read

On April 19, 2022, I was detained without cause at Agbor Police Area Command after experiencing a robbery and assassination attempt at my business premises. It is not the first incident. I invited the police on February 12, 2022, to same premises. I made efforts towards my release immediately. Agbor police tried to impose an accidental discharge when I was reporting an attack against my premises, I refused. I was transferred to Delta State Police Command Asaba, they tried imposing an accidental discharge which I refused again. They wrote a statement themselves contrary to my verbal notice with Michael Morka, Rachael Igberhi present at the instigation of Barr.Kalikwu. Officer Blessing sent out Rachael Igberhi at some point and retained Michael Morka who brought Barr.Kalikwu , Barr.Kalikwu is related to a group of persons who wrongly may claim they were exposed to an incident at my premises. Barr.Kalikwu tried to frame me up for murder on that basis.

Officer Onyeama has received the latest documents informing him with evidence about the facts of April 19, 2022, he’s stated he is engaging the DPP to drop the charge while encouraging I settle the persons accusing me.

The police authorities involved are:

  • Podcast

    1. Ep5: Apr 19 attack & frameup
    2. Ep3: Repeat Attacks
    3. Ep2: Reports to Police
    4. Ep1: Nigeria Police Murder Frameups
  • Nigeria Police Force
  • Agbor Police Area Command, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria
  • Delta State Police Command, Asaba, Nigeria
  • FCID, Force Headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria

I drove to Agbor police area command from Agbor General hospital with an hospital staff in my vehicle. I saw myself pass out at the gate of the Agbor police area command. I regained consciousness and drove in. A stage was set on entry.

The persons that granted entry told me to meet a gentleman identified as SO(station officer). I refused because I was shaken from whatever occurred at the gate. It was safer for me engage an officer in uniform at the charge office. I informed them I’d prefer to report at the charge office. I went to the charge office.

There was an unusual arrangement at the charge office, a wooden table was placed in front of the charge desk.

Wooden table similar to the table above was placed in front of the charge desk/counter at Agbor police area command. A lady was seated who attended to me. The stage literally obstructs and forces attention to the artificial placement in front of the regular officers at the counter.

A lady identifying as a police officer by reason of having police documents attended to me at the artificial placement. I asked she provide a report that someone was in my premises wounded and gave brief accounts of the situation. She insisted I indicate an accidental discharge occurred, I refused. I insisted the person may have been wounded by reason of his plea for assistance and forgiveness. He also could not have entered the premises without my knowledge so he may have been wounded during entry, while the robbery and assassination was ongoing with he being a suspect, or as a result of his text message that he was “breaking down” earlier at 12:10 PM on April 19, 2022, the day of the attack at my premises and unlawful detainment at Agbor police area command.

The post below details the attack.

Agbor Police Area Command, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria

I questioned my detainment, the DPO(Divisional Police Officer) assumed to be in charge of the Agbor Police Area Command ordered my detainment without cause. I asked Police officer Shepard why I was detained and insisted he relieve me and assist in returning to the hospital to receive the account of events from Happy Uboh who was “well, energetic enough to speak and was asking my forgiveness and assistance” prior to visiting the Agbor Police Area Command. He did not arrest me when we discussed about my reason for visiting Agbor police area command, the DPO issued the order that he arrest me. I argued about the arrest and he gave vague explanations. I welcomed visitors and kept arguing about my detention. I refused to give a statement according to their imposition, they requested I state an accidental discharge occurred. They recorded my refusal with their mobile phones. I welcomed Judge Oyinchi, a relative whom i expected to act as my lawyer and secure my bail or contest the detainment but he indicated he was not practicing as a lawyer. Officer Duke visited me at the holding cell, he asked me to calmly engage the situation, that was impossible when I was detained, dehumanized, paraded barefooted by officers claiming they were older and as such I should conform to their abuse. He threatened I’d be transferred to Asaba if I kept arguing about the human rights violations. I kept arguing.

I met the DPO for the second time seated outside his office, dark skinned, angry faced. I thanked him for the protection Agbor police has continually offered me and asked him to grant an audience so I can “enlighten” him about who I was or why I came to the police station. He evidently had no idea that I was attacked at my premises, reported these attacks on February 12, 2022, to officers at his command. He refused to grant the audience. I experienced the same exhibition of anger towards me without cause at Asaba when he visited me after I’d been transferred and sought to fight with me while I was in the cell, outrightly threatening to attack me. I spent the night at Agbor police area command.

Delta State Police Command, Asaba, Nigeria

Myself, Police Officer Monday, a dark skinned gentleman who later sexually assaulted me by touching my penis at Asaba, A lady identified as Happiness Odibei (Augustine Happiness Odibei) on Facebook, left Agbor for Asaba in a white bus/van. The lady was indicated to be related to the intruder at my premises whose whereabouts are unknown to me till date. There are conflicting claims about his whereabouts but the claim of death has insufficient evidence, and foul play both from police and persons involved makes it unacceptable. I do not believe Happy Uboh is dead. I am not responsible for any action in relation to the repeat attacks at my premises which were reported to Agbor police on February 12, 2022.

Happiness Odibei sat behind me at the last row, I sat at the row before her, she had ample opportunity to attack me from behind through the trip. I do not know if she did but I was already facing abuses from Agbor police officers including punches to my head while I was in handcuffs. We arrived Asaba where Police officer Monday left me, happiness Odibei, my sister Ruth, my brother Samuel, the dark skinned gentleman who sexually abused me at Asaba, and another gentleman claiming to be involved in the matter till nightfall.

Officer Monday arrived and took me in handcuffs to the entrance of an office that was likely the CP’s(Commissioner of Police) office, opposite the DCs(Deputy Commissioner Of Police) office. Other offices in the stretch are O/C Homicide, Fraud…, X-Squad.

I sought relief by informing the O/C Homicide, Officer Yakubu, that I am a licensed hunter and there were repeat incidents at my premises. He asked the IPO to receive my statement.

The IPOs engaged in torture when I refused to give a statement without my lawyer. Police officer Blessing has a big stick. I don’t know Officer’s Onyeama weapon of torture. I spent the night at Delta State Police Command, Asaba. They falsified a statement themselves when I continually refused to give the false account of an accidental discharge.

I sought bail through my lawyers, was informed 1 million naira would suffice. I paid 500k as advised with a balance of 500k which I paid shortly after. The logic was that the police were required to grant bail on receipt of the 500k part payment for the balance of 500k to be paid. They complained that the entirety of 1 million should be paid. I paid eventually but Delta State Police Command Asaba did not grant bail.

I sought bail and healthcare access from the OC Homicide and DC, He made efforts to provide healthcare by indicating Police hospital as capable of reviewing my complaint which was that I was attacked by gunmen prior to April 19, 2022, and suffered a blow which saw my cap fall off my head from an object suspected to be the gun they possessed. I preferred my own doctors and made contacts to have my doctors ready to provide healthcare service to me. Bail was unfortunately not granted by the O/C Homicide or DC on this basis, neither was an approval for me to engage my doctors to provide the necessary healthcare provided.

I’m currently insisting that the NPF, IPOs and Command are required to act on my release due to the verifiable and factual nature of my complaints, defense and accusation stated in the documents available on Dropbox “facts and evidences v3″ and “facts and evidences v3.3″.

The IPOs stated that they are taking action towards closure of the matter in light of presented fact during my last contact. I’ve insisted they will be held liable if they do not. The latest document sent insisting they act in light of the facts and evidences v3.3 is on Dropbox ( Request to Police for withdrawal ).

The conversations with Police officer Onyeama on WhatsApp is available at

FCID, Force Headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria

Officers Vrano and another gentleman visited Agbor prison on engaging Sani Katu, a SAN(Senior Advocate of Nigeria), I engaged the SAN to secure my release and present my complaints to law enforcement agencies for investigation. I gave an 8 page statement and attached more than 20 photos of the “damages to doors and my property during robberies”, different angles of my property to inform an investigator on the impossibility of wandering into the premises without criminal trespass.

2 of 16 pages front & back (8 pages) of my statement to Nigeria Police Force, Force Headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria. Officers sent by Sani Katu SAN received this statement and more than 20 photos as evidence.

The entire 16 pages front & back (8 pages) is available on SlideShare.

FCID(Force Criminal Investigation Department), Force Headquarters, Nigeria Police Force, received the 8 page statement at the initiation of the SAN. He informed me that the DIG (Deputy Inspector General of Police) handled my complaints. Sani Katu SAN, received sparse information at the onset.

He also received delayed responses to these questions:

  • Who owns the firearm the police claimed to have in possession ?

I informed him I’d call Officer Onyeama, the IPO at Delta State Police Command Asaba, to discuss the issue of the license which I was contesting to be valid in Delta State regardless of his claim about possessing a license issued in Plateau State while having a business in Delta State. The conclusion with Officer Onyeama would determine my response in relation to the license but the firearm would require visual identification by me to know if it is mine. I am aware they seized my vehicle at Agbor Police Area Command but I’m unable to recollect provisioning a firearm to anyone. I have presented the documents “facts and evidences“, to the SAN with verifiable answers to questions.

I will present the latest version “facts and evidences v3.3” for assurance as we’ve not discussed recently as at July 16, 2023, regarding my answers to his questions or why I’m insisting that the suspect’s are still at large or why attesting to insanity at the time of the attack against me is unnecessary which would have been reasonable if I was unable to prepare my defense alongside evidence listing suspects, witnesses and damages.

facts and evidences v3.3” answers his questions. It will be my last attempt to provide clear, detailed and factual answers without delay due to enquiry from previous efforts such as citing due process and Federal flexibility as reason enough to accept my license as valid or issue a replacement license from Delta State Police Command.

On September 14, 2023, I spoke to Sani Katu SAN. He once again claimed that the 8 page statement which explains the events did not clarify the incidents.

Last call with Sani Katu SAN on September 14, 2023.

Sani Katu SAN stated that the officers Vrano and other, sent to Agbor prison by him did not receive satisfactory information to transfer the matter to Abuja but for a fact, I gave them an 8 page statement and more than 10 pictures of my residence and the scene of the attack.


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